You have a lot to gain by getting more involved in our great industry. Not only will you have an opportunity to learn from your peers and share your own ideas and expertise, you’ll be able to tap into networking opportunities that could easily lead to lifelong friendships!

You have a lot to gain by getting more involved in our great industry. Not only will you have an opportunity to learn from your peers and share your own ideas and expertise, you’ll be able to tap into networking opportunities that could easily lead to lifelong friendships!

 Here are five ways you can get more involved:

  1.  Meet Your Area Representative – ARVC is divided into six voting areas, each with its own Area Representative.  If you’re going to the Outdoor Hospitality Conference & Expo (OHCE), you can meet your representative in person at your Town Hall & Voting Area Caucus. While you’re there, you can also network with your peers in your area and, if you’re located in Area 1 or 5 and didn’t vote online, you can vote for your Area Representative.
  2.  Get Involved in Your State Association – ARVC currently partners with 24 state associations. If you’re located in one of these states, contact your state association directly to learn about the different committees or other opportunities they offer. If you’re not located in one of these states, you can still get involved by joining an ARVC Member Network to exchange ideas with other park professionals in your area. Contact our membership team to learn more about Member Networks.
  3. Join Our Young Professionals Group – Are you a park professional under the age of 40? Then our Young Professionals group was designed just for you! This fun, lively networking group hosts monthly meetings via webinar and Facebook Live events with industry professionals as well as events at OHCE. Learn more and sign up to join today.
  4.  Apply to Attend Advocacy Week in Washington D.C. – During this important event held each June in conjunction with our industry partner, the RV Industry Association (RVIA), an ARVC delegation meets with legislators to communicate the value of RV parks and campgrounds and the RV industry and to advocate for key legislation. Newcomers are encouraged to apply to attend! Kim Huskey of Cherrystone Family Camping Resort in Cape Charles Va. attended Advocacy Week for the first time this past June. She was impressed by the great job Jeff Sims and the ARVC staff did to prepare the members of the delegation to advocate for our industry. “We were thoroughly briefed on the issues,” she says. “We were thoroughly briefed on the members of Congress that we were going to meet with. We met nightly during the whole week on The Hill to discuss how the meetings had gone. It was just extremely well organized, well thought out, well planned and well executed.” Contact Jeff Sims, ARVC’s senior director of state relations and program advocacy, to learn more.
  5.  Share Your Expertise and Best Practices – Help other park professionals learn from your experience! There are a couple of ways you can do this. First of all, you can offer to become a speaker at OHCE. If you have an ideas for a topic or area of expertise you’d like to present, contact Paula Horwitz, ARVC’s executive director of education and events. Also, if you hosted a successful event at your park, have best practices to share or have a milestone anniversary coming up, we’d love to learn about it for an upcoming issue of The Voice magazine. Contact Rebecca Maguire, ARVC’s creative manager, marketing, to share your ideas.

No matter which opportunity you choose, you’ll be glad you decided to get more involved! To learn more about everything ARVC has to offer, visit