20 Groups2022-06-21T02:41:00+00:00

Business Coaching


View a map of all 20 Groups and 20 Group members across the country.



Questions about applying to a 20 Group? Contact the ARVC membership department at 303-681-0401 or fill out this form.

Frequently asked questions

ARVC 20 Groups are composed of noncompeting campgrounds voluntarily and mutually associated to provide a confidential exchange of experiences, problems, and ideas at regular meetings. They receive the benefit of reliable historical comparative operating data on a periodic basis.

Each campground wishing to participate in a group completes the placement data form and submits it together with a registration fee (that is refundable if the campground cannot be placed in a Group).

The criteria by which a campground owner is placed in a specific group are based mainly on gross revenues, park location, and type of campground (destination, membership, overnight, etc.). Campgrounds must be noncompetitive and, whenever possible, from distinct geographic areas. Experience in other industries shows that trends, consumer habits, business cycles and other influences generally appear in one area of the country prior to being evident elsewhere, making geographic variance a positive factor.

Meetings are held twice a year, usually for three days. Meetings are usually scheduled by the group at or near a participating member. Each group will determine its own additional meeting schedule if it so desires.

There is a one-time application fee of $50 that covers the cost of collating and transmitting data, arvc administrative assistance, and related costs. All meeting costs are shared by group members. Such costs include charges, if any, for meeting rooms, any refreshments for breaks, and arvc staff attendance at meetings. Each participant is responsible for his own participation expenses which will vary depending on the group’s choice of meeting locations and other circumstances.


View a map of all 20 Groups and 20 Group members across the country.


Joe Moore, CPO, OHE

Michael Moore, CTE

Peter Brown, OHC

Eileen Vaughan, OHM, OHP

Jim Button, OHE

Jeff Hoffman

We’re Here To Help You

Leverage the knowledge of ARVC’s campground and RV park community to take your business to the next level.

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