Keep It Simple… Fill Your Campground

2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:0004/01/2019|Best Practices, Uncategorized|

You are waiting for your last camper of the day to arrive, it’s late and you are tired. It’s been a long day. The last arrival has been driving for hours, they will be tired and ready to get settled. It will be important to get them checked in and moved to their site as quickly as possible.

How Green is Your Park?

2022-03-19T10:49:48+00:0004/01/2019|Best Practices, Uncategorized|

Has your park made a commitment to protecting the environment by implementing practices such as a recycling program, installing energy-saving devices and using biodegradable cleaning products? If so, your park may be eligible to participate in the ARVC Plan-It Green Friendly Park Program.

Pathway to Nature

2019-01-20T12:00:00+00:0001/20/2019|Best Practices, Uncategorized|

“Getting back to nature” is an expression we all use but can mean something different to each of us. Whether it is just taking a walk in the park, camping or playing on a playground. But with all these ideas, getting closer to nature is at the heart of it all. You can be in the deep woods or right in town, we all love to experience nature to different extents. Most of us would rather not see concrete or asphalt when we are hiking on a trail or camping out. But keep in mind that some of us need a firm stable surface in order to get closer to nature and enjoy these activities. If you are physically limited, using a wheelchair or pushing a stroller, maneuvering over rocky, uneven terrain or muddy ground can be a challenge.

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